Woman Sues Dentist After Getting 4 Root Canals, 8 Crowns and 20 Fillings in 1 Visit
A Minnesota woman who said that she received four root canals, eight dental crowns and 20 fillings in a single visit to a dentist’s office has sued him for negligence, claiming that he caused her disfigurement.The patient, Kathleen Wilson, of Hennepin County, Minn., filed the lawsuit on Dec. 21 in District Court against Dr. Kevin Molldrem of Molldrem Family Dentistry in Eden Prairie, Minn., over the July 2020 visit that she said caused her significant injuries.Ms. Wilson said in the legal complaint that she lost income because of the dental work and that she had endured “pain and suffering, embarrassment, emotional distress and disfigurement” as a result. It is not clear from the lawsuit what Ms. Wilson’s occupation is.A lawyer for Ms. Wilson did not respond to an inquiry for further comme...